
our volunteers words (Sophie - UK, Carolien - Netherlands, Marco-Italy)


Dear All,

Welcome to your EVS experience! My name is Sophie, I am 21 and I am a new volunteer here in Greece. I am originally from England and decided to come to Greece to gain experience in the area of mental health as I have just finished my degree in psychology. Being on EVS in a different country can be very stressful as it is the first time away from home for many people, I think I have adapted to it quite well but everyone has their up days and their down ones. Luckily there is a large support network made up of EDRA employees, as well as my other flatmates who are great!!!

When I first got here and saw the kind of work I would be doing, it was a bit shocking and I did have a couple of second thoughts about what I was doing here! Luckily they have passed and I now love what I am doing! The language differences are quite difficult to overcome, but the best form of communication is body language anyway so really there’s not that much of a problem.

All-in-all, this is a really good project and you should seriously consider applying for it!!! All the best and hopefully I’ll see you soon!!!


Expertations of on EVS vulenteer:

Hello my name is Carolien and I’m from the Netherlands in Rotterdam. So far I like Athens really much and I think the six mont’s that I stay here will be great!

I’m now almost 3 weeks in Athens. Before I came I had some expectations. I choose for a project in mental-health because as a nurse I don’t have so much experience in this field.

I expect that in this six monts I can learn a lot:

- How the Greek health system works.

- How is the Greek culture.

- Learn from the different nationalities that I meet (flatmates).

- Learn how to work with mental-health disabilities.

Bye, bye

Greetings Carolien


Hi people!!!!!!!!!

I m Marco, from Italy……

Finally I m here, to work, to know, to LIVE!!!!!!!!

Athens especially, it is like a bomb for my eyes……because I love to make photos…….

THIS IS MY WORLD…and if I think that in the beginning I’d like to go back



And thanks to everybody for every days…..

Καλά, πάμε!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until September…………

Im so happyyyyyyyyyyyyy……and if someone wants to write me, mine e-mail is zhazha23@libero.it

BACIO GRANDE!!!!!!!!!!!(Μεγάλο φύλακα) ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marco Stalteri………or ZHAZHA!!!!!!!!