We started working with EVS back in 2005. It all started with Kostas Spatiotis, a former EVS volunteer that is working in our organisation. Kostas is now the Coordinator of our EVS activities and therefore responsible for more or less everything concerning EVS. He is also a trainer for EVS related subjects such as on arrival, mid term and pre departure seminars but also, mentors and organisations trainings.
Maria Dinou is the mentor of our volunteers. Maria is assisting our public relations but has also taken the responsibility of mentoring the volunteers, helping them with their integration to the project and the local community and also arrange practicalities. She is the person of our volunteers.
Maria Tsalmatza and Vivi Tsarouhi, who are both Psychologists. are the persons of reference in the working place for the volunteers. They are the ones arranging the programme within our structures and the ones that will tell you how, what, when with who?....But on the other, hand they are the ones that will discuss with you your ideas of...what, how, when, with who!!!
Finally, but not least, we need to mention that Maria Kerasoglou is the President of the Board, and we are happy to have her by our side, as she is one of the people of EDRA that supports EVS in any way she can! Also, Alexandros Oikonomou that is our structures' manager (another psychologist :) who like Maria supports greatly EVS and is at the moment promoting EVS to other mental health organizations where we can be the Coordinators! (which means more great projects for you!)
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